There is one thing I find myself wishing on a near constant basis (lately especially!) : That I could control my thoughts. Out of all the trials I have had, my own mind is what usually serves to make me the most miserable, by bringing those things I wish I never had to think about again, to the front of my mind and not letting go. Sometimes only for a few minutes, sometimes for weeks on end. Occasionally I find myself wishing I could just give in to these thoughts and be completely depressed, wallow in a Meaghan pity-party for awhile eat some ice cream and just cry ... unfortunately I have been blessed with an extraordinary conscience that always serves to remind me of all the other people in the world and the struggles and pains so many are dealing with far beyond my own.
And then I think of my Savior and the pain and suffering he so willingly endured for all of us, and I am so grateful for his sacrifice and the endless love he has for us. I know that life is painful and even though sometimes I wish it all could just end, I know that everything I go through, every trial and struggle has a purpose and God will not throw anything at me that I can't handle!
"There are more with you than those you can see opposed to you. Some who are with you will be invisible to your mortal eyes. The Lord will bear you up and will at times do it by calling others to stand with you."
"I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you, my peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:18,27
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